Tuesday, September 13, 2011

News 21

12 schools team up. Schools of journalism strengthen.  Win- win. And so a news outlet is born. Sort of.  In essence, this seems like a great idea.  It is unique, innovative, and is seriously encouraging real world training for journalism students.  Not bothering to get bogged down on old times, this website provides training for online journalism and making news package.

On the other hand, would I use this as a primary news source? Probably not.  Due respect to the entire field of independent media, but I will still gravitate towards The New York Times online and deem it my most trustworthy news source.  I'm incredibly impressed with those that are posting on News 21, but in the end, they may have no more journalism training than I do. Until they do, I would be hesitant to turn to them as a credible news source.  To be fair, they could be on their way to proving me wrong.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hagit Limor comes to IC on Sunday, September 11th

If any Park journalism majors actually happen to stumble upon this blog, if for no other reason than because it's titled with our courses' CRN, I would at least like them to find a announcement about our featured speaker this weekend! Here goes:

Hagit Limor, President of the national chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists will be here this Sunday, September 11th at 7pm in the Park Auditorium.  She will discuss the evolution of our country and journalism since this national tragedy 10 years ago.  We are thrilled to have her with us and look forward to seeing you there.