Thursday, October 27, 2011

God is What Happens When Humanity is Connected.

This striking phrase was brought up for reflection by a man who fought cancer 3 times and claims that the internet is his religion.

Jim Gilliam made the overall point that we are all interconnected.  That together, the sum of all our parts, is creation.

He learned this lesson using a far more round-about system than most: the internet.  The place where even as a 12-year-old he was judged for this mind and not his age.  Through his struggle with three bouts of cancer, he found faith not in God, but in the internet.  The interconnectedness of the net in fact, brought his a lung transplant and ultimately this points to the blatant truth that people around the world who we never really know can be the ones saving our lives.  This truth is one that I am personally a fan of (it is highlighted in The Five People You Meet in Heaven, a quick read by Mitch Albom). I shared this video of Gilliam's empowered speech with the people I currently intern for at the Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes.

He makes a good point- the internet has power beyond our belief.  The proof?  I'm completely blown away by a 15-minute clip found on the internet.

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